A nice one from the Blackfoot.
Despite the small bump in flows from the last rain, the dry fly fishing has been quite good over the last couple weeks. The top water action will continue to get better and down-right awesome over the next week as flows drop into the perfect zone. It’s time to put the bobbers and sink tips away and grab some Frog’s Fanny and Fly Agra.
Bigfork Montana Fly Fishing Report
Flathead River Fly Fishing Report – The Flathead River is on a slight bump from the recent rain but looks like it is back on the drop. Talked to one of our guide friends who fished it yesterday and the report is that it is really close. PMD and BWO mayflies were out and some fish made their way to the net. The warm weather coming this week will likely get some golden stones to pop out. This river is about to offer up some great dry fly fishing. The NOAA forecast is calling for dropping flows. As it approaches 25k and greens up the dry fly fishing should be great.
Swan River Fly Fishing Report – The Upper Swan River has been fishing. Trolling streamers and worms under a bobber has been the go to method to catch a few fish. The dry fly fishing is nonexistent and will likely stay that way until it drops and gains some visibility. So if you want to look at a bobber with the potential to catch a few big ones then have at it. Most of our guests prefer the dry fly so we’ve been avoiding it. The lower river however is starting to show some signs of dry fly fishing. A few good fish have been slashing at the big foam bugs, enough to put the bobber away and roll with the dry dropper rig. Golden stones should arrive any day…
Blackfoot River Fly Fishing Report – We have been on the Blackfoot a bunch. The fishing has been good with the exception of a small mud slide associated with the last rain fall. You have to row hard and keep it in there if you want to catch fish, but the hard work has been paying off. It’s not lazy fishing, especially through the faster whitewater sections. Just keep slapping it in there and you’ll catch plenty. Big foam flies and droppers are the only thing you need. Green drakes, pmds, caddis, golden stones, and salmon flies are all out and bout in good numbers. The afternoons have fish splashing along the willows so clip the dropper late in the day and stroke the sweet spot with a double dry rig. Super fun fishing on the Blackfoot right now!
Lower Clark Fork Fly Fishing Report – Lights out a few days ago before the tick up in flows. Once it drops a little and gets a few more inches of visibility it is going to be gangbusters. A foamie and a dropper in the turd/worm/prince variety has been very productive. Soon enough you won’t need the dropper. The fish in the C-fork are bright, fat, and pulling hard…good times ahead on this river.
The weather forecast is calling for hot summer weather over the next week and all the rivers are dropping into the prime shape for some great dry fly fishing. We are setting up for an exceptional water year, get out your flip flops and dry flies it is summer time in Montana!
- International Fly Fishing Film Tour | Cast Hope - Mar 8, 2025
- Spring Fishing - Feb 25, 2025
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
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