
Pretty decent fly fishing on the Flathead River lately with all this nice weather. I finally took a break from the shop remodel and website rebuild to take some folks out for a halfer this afternoon. I had a couple “never evers” but we managed to get a few nice fish in the net. Hell of a nice day anyway…Turds, worms , princes, pink jiggy winter stuff is all working fine. Had a report of a couple fish coming to the dry fly yesterday. A few chasing down streamers too. Overall not bad for early March. Great weather in the forecast for the weekend so the fishing should be pretty good.

The fish are not everywhere. The winter holding type spots are still producing the majority, if not  all, of the action. I saw a few capnia stones fluttering around today and the insect activity should improve with the warming trend over the next week. Keep your eyes open in the afternoon and you might find a fish or two sipping in the back eddies or slow seam lines. A small purple haze will do the trick if you find any risers.

Jason Lanier
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