General Outlook: We haven’t posted a report in a while…kinda got stuck in a rut. We have been stalled in transition mode for a while just waiting for the weather to make something happen. Fall bugs are sorta around and hoppers / terrestrials are sorta still working. This week we will see a major change in the weather with highs in the 50’s and rain. Hopefully the fishing and hatches will respond positively. If not the smoke will be cleared out at least.
Blackfoot River Report: We have been pretty much fishing attractors and droppers and catching plenty of fish. The weather this week should get some bugs going and get some fish rising. The cold and grey will make the streamer fishing worthy. Swinging a bugger and a rubber legs or SJW around in am will get some nice fish. An Oct caddis or attractor with a cripple or purple haze of the back is a good dry rig.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Hecubas, Mohos, bwos, oct caddis / Hecuba cripples, large orange elk hairs, smaller mayfly criples, wulffs, brindle chutes, Small Chubbies and willies, Fuzzie wuzzies, hecuba para-cripple, Purple haze, Turds, Halo Prince, Da Worm, batmans, red c-johns, psycho prince, p-tails, streamers
Lower Clark Fork River Report: The weather this week should bring some steady fish to the surface. Look for Mahoganies and BWOs in the clouds. The streamer bite should entertain in the mornings or all day for that matter with the cloud cover. Should be good down there this week.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Hecubas, Mohos, bwos, oct caddis / Hecuba cripples, large orange elk hairs, smaller mayfly criples, little wulffs, brindle chutes, Small Chubbies and willies, Fuzzie wuzzies, hecuba para-cripple, Purple haze, Turds, Halo Prince, Da Worm, batmans, red c-johns, psycho prince, p-tails, streamers
Flathead River Report: Fishing decent. The rain and cold weather this week will likely gets some mayflies out and about but look for the dry fly window to continue to shrink to the warmest part of the day(afternoon). You might have to throw some nymphs out if you are on the water early. Standard mayfly cripples / parachutes and october caddis will be all you need for dry flies. The water temps are cooling so look to the slower water and back eddies for risers.
Bugs / Fly Patterns:Hecubas, Mohos, bwos, oct caddis / Hecuba cripples, large orange elk hairs, smaller mayfly criples, little wulffs, brindle chutes, Small Chubbies and willies, Fuzzie wuzzies, hecuba para-cripple, Purple haze, Turds, Halo Prince, Da Worm, batmans, red c-johns, psycho prince, p-tails, Streamers
Swan River Report: The clouds and cold weather should get some piggies on the prowl. Streamers and tandem nymphs I’m sad to say will be your best bet. Throw the dry and believe in it and eventually it will happen…but it might take a few outings. A few big fish have been poked in the Bay recently.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Hecubas, Mohos, bwos, oct caddis / large orange elk hairs, mayfly criples, large wulffs, purple haze chutes, Turds, Halo Prince, Da Worm, streamers
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
- October Fishing - Oct 3, 2024
- Fall Fishing - Sep 21, 2024
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