Clark Fork River foam crusher w/guide Ryan Stultz.
Hopefully you got out the last week or so during our rainy weather event. The clouds and cool weather have been awesome for the fishing. The sun and warmer temps have returned and with it will likely be more challenging fishing conditions. With 90’s foretasted over the next week+ we will have to make some adjustments in our program to keep the rod bent. Remember, August is around the corner and the cool nights in the latter part of the month will start the fall hatches and cooling of the water. Looks like we made it…
Blackfoot & Clark Fork
As you can see from the graphs the water temps are topping out at 70 as of yesterday. This next week of hot weather will keep the temps on the rise. With the warmer temps the fishing will be most productive in the am. Spruce moths should be popping soon on the B-foot providing some great dry fly fishing if you hit it right. It doesn’t last long and you gotta go to know… Foamies in the early AM will still get eats on both the CF and BF but look for tougher dry fly opportunities in the heat of the afternoon. Terrestrial season is in full swing so bring ants, hoppers and beetles.
Flathead River
The Flathead is still fishing good for those getting the drift. Water temps are still great topping out in the low 60’s. The fish are getting educated so the big dumb foam is only good for supporting a dropper and an occasional eat. Little spent/cripple mayflies in the riffles work well but require a bit of a skill set. A small techie foam fly with a little ant or spent mayfly off the back is a good bet in the coming weeks.

Another foam destroyer w/guide Ryan Stultz.
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
- October Fishing - Oct 3, 2024
- Fall Fishing - Sep 21, 2024
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