Net full of color.
General Outlook: The water conditions are great out there right now. Great dry fly fishing to be had too if your down on the Clark Fork or Blackfoot. It sure is enjoyable out there right now. Rain for tomorrow but then warm and sunny for the next few days.
Blackfoot River Report: Fishing good top to bottom. The trick is dodging traffic but it will start thinning out now that the Clark Fork and Bitterroot Main river are shaping up. Dry dropper rigs are all you need right now and double dries after lunch if you have someone who can throw. A large foamie with a deep beadhead whatever off the back is a great way to start. After lunch, switch it up to a mid sized golden or attractor with a green drake cripple, caddis, or yellow sallie off the back.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Salmon flies, golden stones, caddis, pmds, green drakes, yellow sallies, / foam creatures, extendo drakes, cripples, Rouge Stones, flutter stones, 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, prince variations, San Juans, sally nymphs, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows, but monkeys, sex dungeons…
Lower Clark Fork River Report: Fishing very well. Big foam attractors with beadhead droppers in the 8-12 range. Princes, p-tails, small double beads…Evening caddis should be going good for the next few weeks so you might want to go late if you want to see a bunch of fishing chowing up top. Blind fishing a mid sized attractor with a big purple haze off the back will work well for a tandem dry rig. Risers will eat the big stuff too and if not, throw a smaller cripple.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Caddis, pmds, green drakes, golden stones, sallies / foam creatures, extendo drakes, large cripples, Rouge Stones, Chuuby cherbs, fuzzy wuzzy, bugmeisters, pmx, fat franks, willies, 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, beadhead attractors, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows
Flathead River Report: Still big and not an option. It’s dropping fast and according to NOAA should be around the 20k mark by the 7th. It will fish when it’s big and green so don’t be afraid. The water has warmed up and the fish will be looking for the big dry once it greens up and gains a few feet of vis. The middle fork is dropping and greening up on the upper end near bear creek / essex. We had a report of some decent dry fly fishing up there a couple days ago.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Golden stones, green drakes, sallies, caddis / 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, beadhead whatevers, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows…
Swan River Report: Green and coming into shape nice. It’s still high so be careful…there is some new wood in the river below Piper and Fatty with nasty portages mandatory. Nymphs and streamers for a while…
Bugs / Fly Patterns: salmon flies, Goldens, caddis, pmds, 20 incher stones / double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, beadhead whatevers, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows, but monkeys, sex dungeons…
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
- October Fishing - Oct 3, 2024
- Fall Fishing - Sep 21, 2024
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