Sasquatch & Trout
General Outlook: All systems go…fantastic weather, water, & fishing. You are free to move about the rivers and fish wherever you want.
Blackfoot River Report: Still fishing well but becoming more of a challenge to find the bigger fish. It depends on the stretch and the traffic I guess. Dry dropper or double dry is really all you need. Plenty of action. Smaller (12 & 14) droppers have been productive.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: golden stones, caddis, pmds, yellow sallies, / foam variations, cripples, Rouge Stones, 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, prince variations, San Juans, sally nymphs
Lower Clark Fork River Report: Fishing very well. Great pmd and caddis activity with rising fish to target throughout the day. Foam and a dropper is great to search and most risers will eat one or the other. Cripples, para caddis, Purple C-duns, or any parachute mayfly is a great addition for the double dry rig. Put the bobbers away…
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Caddis, pmds, green drakes, golden stones, sallies / foam variations, purple cripples, Sparkle duns, Rouge golden Stones, Chuuby cherbs, fuzzy wuzzy, bugmeisters, pmx, fat franks, willies, 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, holo princes, psycho prince
Flathead River Report: Green and coming into shape. side channels and pretty much anywhere that is not a boiling hydrolic should be holding fish. We should have some great dry fly fishing out there the next couple weeks. You might want to keep a nymph rod handy for a few more days but you should be able to find some fish on foam stuff. We had a report from the upper Middle Fork of some decent dry fly fishing so there ya go. Find a soft spot and try the streamer…maybe you’ll get a nice surprise.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Golden stones, pmds, green drakes, sallies, caddis / 20 incher stones, double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, beadhead whatevers, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows…
Swan River Report: Green and coming into shape nice. It’s still high so be careful…there is some new wood in the river below Piper and Fatty with nasty portages mandatory. Nymphs and streamers for a while…
Bugs / Fly Patterns: salmon flies, Goldens, caddis, pmds, 20 incher stones / double bead stones, rubber legs, princes, San Juans, beadhead whatevers, urchin buggers, flash fry, skiddish smolt, sparkle minnows, but monkeys, sex dungeons…
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
- October Fishing - Oct 3, 2024
- Fall Fishing - Sep 21, 2024
Curious. Not from the area, I watch from afar. Sasquatch finds fish of that size regularly on what rivers in NW MT?
Thanks for the pictures and reports.
Sasquatch likes to fish the Lower Swan near Bigfork. There are a few big ones in there that eat dry flies if you know where to look.
We caught alot of nice fish with Sasquatch in the lower clark…can’t wait to fish with you guys again