Another Blackfoot Beauty…Nice fish too.
General Outlook: Some rainy warm weather in the forecast this week. Plenty of good options right now. Head south and ye shall be rewarded. Everything is still on the drop and fishing well with the exception of the Flathead drainage.
Blackfoot River Report: Mixed reports with the dry fly. Some great, some meh. Consistent underneath though. Cloudy weather this week shouldn’t hurt the dry fly action.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Golden stones, salmon flies, yellow sallies, caddis, pmds, green drakes… / Morish’s flutter stone/still stone(good luck finding them),Willies, fuzzies, chubbies, rogues, foam whatever, larger streamers in all colors, stonefly nymphs, SJW, larger princes, yuk bugs, drown stones
Lower Clark Fork River Report: Still dropping and clouds are in the forecast. Should be a great week on the lower C-Fork. Foamies and droppers should be all you need.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Willies, fuzzies, chubbies, rogues, J-Slams, foam whatevers, Urchin buggers, Pats Rubbers, Double Beads, SJW, Tung 20 inchers, larger princes / attractor nymphs
Flathead River Report: It’s been green and fishable the last several days but it looks like it’s on a slight up swing and will probably pick up some color this next few days. Rain and warmer weather won’t help.
Bugs / Fly Patterns: Willies, fuzzies, chubbies, rogues, J-Slams, foam whatevers, Green drakes, Urchin buggers, Pats Rubbers, Double Beads, SJW, Tung 20 inchers, larger princes / attractor nymphs.
Swan River Report: Rain and warm weather in the forecast could color it up again but we’ll see. Stone nymphs and large streamers are best. We had a few smash the orange bobber our last outing so there you go…
Bugs / Fly Patterns: PMDs, caddis, golden stones, salmon flies, brown drakes, Willies, fuzzies, chubbies, rogues, J-Slams, rubber legs, prince nymphs, SJWs, 20 inchers, double bead stones, Hare on Fire nymphs, Urchin buggers, articulated streamers in black & olive, Flash Minnows
- Winter Mode - Nov 10, 2024
- October Fishing - Oct 3, 2024
- Fall Fishing - Sep 21, 2024
Great fish.