The warm sunshine feels nice out there. The river is starting to see some boat traffic and wade fisherman out enjoying the spring weather. The fishing has been decent but very spotty. There’s a few spots that are holding fish but they are far and few between. Don’t expect to catch much floating along the banks right now. Find the deep slow runs and work the in-out with stones, SJWs, PTs, Princes, perdigons, and mid sized pink/orange thorax attractor nymph variations. A sink tip and a slow trolled bugger/streamer is also a worthy method to try. There are some prime runs that are void of fish right now so keep moving until you find them. We could use a little push of water to spark some more fish up from the lake and lower river corridor. There’s been some little stones popping late in the day and we’ve seen a few sporadic risers but not much on that front yet. soon.

Jason Lanier
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