Typical Flathead bow

Typical Flathead bow

More of the same today on the Main stem of the Flathead. Good winter fishing. The deep slow holes have been the most  productive for us the last couple outings. We mixed it up today and drifted down one of the slow banks and got a couple too. Quite a few midges along the shoreline and a few more sporadic risers. Didn’t see many bugs on the surface but I bet it will happen soon.

Prince nymphs, hairs ear double bead stones, SJWs, tung 20 inchers,  g-bugs, halo princes, and red c-johns have all worked recently. They dropped the flows out of the South Fork so the river is pretty low running @ 3810 cfs. Water temps haven’t changed much and are hanging between 37-39. Highs near 40 should keep things decent for a while.

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Jason Lanier
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