Here’s the prediction from the weather “experts” NOAA. This is what they think the flows are going to do. Not always accurate but probably more so than a fishing guide. Or not… we guess better sometimes. On a positive note the Missouri didn’t crest 10k. It actually turned back down to 7k-ish and the pmds are coming off. So there’s that. Rivers are still on the drop as you can see. We just got some snow in the high country and NOAA thinks that will bring things back up during the next warming trend. Town is busy and guides are out daily. Salmon flies on the Blackfoot soon along with goldens on the lower Clark Fork. We are getting jammed up in the prime dates so you better make a move if you want a 10year guido in the middle of the boat for your summer guide tour.  Go time is around the corner for us freestoners.

Jason Lanier
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