We’ve been enjoying a nice break from the 90+ degree Aug heat we were stuck in. And of course the fish have responded positively to some moisture and cooler water temps. A few nicer fish have been looking for the hopper the last few days. The rain and cool weather also has the armada of rec traffic stuck in port waiting for the next heat wave, which is coming in the next few days. It looks like another brief heat wave is heading our way this week. Hopefully the night time temps will keep water temps in check south of town on the Clark Fork(probably not). It was nice to sneak down there and enjoy some cooler water temps for a couple days. That ship will sail with temps approaching 100 mid week. Despite a couple hot days this week, we are on the down-slope side of the Aug dog days. Cooler nights are going to continue to help water temps in the coming weeks and hopefully lift hoot owl restrictions(Clark Fork) soon. The Blackfoot and Flathead are still cool and free of restrictions. Terrestrial season is still in full swing. Hopper, ants, and beetle type dries are all good. Little parachutes will also produce. The hecuba(fall drake) and October caddis will start to mix in soon. A big orange elk hair or small-ish orange stimi are both good for the caddis. A #10 Quig crip, para-cripple, or haze will hunt too once the fish have seen a few naturals. Give them a try if the hopper is getting snubbed.

We have a bunch of great clothing on the 45% off rack so stop on by and pick through it. The $1 fly bin is full again too as we had a guide boat bag reorganization drinking party the other afternoon.

See you soon.

Jason Lanier
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